If for any reason you are not happy with your order, please email us on to discuss any of your concerns you may have, and we will make the necessary arrangements.
Unfortunately, we do not accept returns of any customised products, unless your order has been fabricated incorrectly, has obvious defects or arrived damaged.
We do accept returns on all of our accessories. Returns of accessories must include order number and be made within 14 days of date of receipt unless otherwise approved by Steel Submission.
The cost of shipping is not refundable and return shipments are the responsibility of the customer. Unless your order has been fabricated incorrectly, has obvious defects or arrived damaged. You will be responsible for the returned products until they reach us.
Please do not return items without contacting us first as this does not guarantee a refund.
Cancellations to order with a refund can be made up to 7 days from your original purchase date. Cancellations after 7 days will be charged for the cost of materials, labour and restocking. The amount charged will depend on how far in fabrication process your order had gone.
If you wish to cancel your order, please send us an email to and we will try to assist you as much as we can. Although, please be aware, that there may be occasions when we may not be able to cancel customised orders.
All our items are handmade to order, then thoroughly checked and carefully wrapped before dispatch to ensure they reach you in perfect condition. In the unlikely event that item has been handcrafted incorrectly, has obvious defects or arrived damaged, we will offer to replace the item free of charge with the best possible lead time.
Any damages or defects must be reported to us within a period of 7 days following delivery and pictures of the damaged item and damaged packaging to prove it might be required. We also ask that all items must be returned in the original packaging to prevent further damage during its return journey back to us.